Simulator-Based Courses for Technical Marketers

AI & Growth Tutorials for marketers who code

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  Practice new skills every week by solving real problems for fictional companies, with expert tutorials, templates and scripts.

✓ 100 courses + more every week
✓ Practice in simulated scenarios
✓ Based on real-world experience
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Training Simulators

"The real value in this course is that Michael is an actual practitioner - he's not just teaching MMM, but a better way to handle large marketing data sets."

Conrad Wadowski
Founder of Advice, Teachable, GrowHack

"It's rare to have a marketing genius like Mike taking the time to share his secret weapons which allowed him to scale a 45+ person world-class agency. Trust me, his course is worth every cent."

Johannes Radig
Growth Marketer at PayPal, Truly and mentor at 500Startups

"The best part was that I could complete it in 2 hours. I got buy-in from my team to run the experiment and we went live with it within the same week. No month-long courses to comb through."

Khushi Lunkad
Growth Marketing Lead at Streamline

"Just want to give huge shout for Mike and James. Our team of 10 media buyers use Vexpower and they love every bit of it."

Brat Vukovich
Co-Founder at Inceptly

“The marketing process requires a) smart strategy, b) well thought out tests, then c) collection and analysis of data. Part c) quickly becomes very time-consuming - and there’s only so much you can do in Excel. That’s where Vexpower comes in - a key part of an advanced marketer’s tool kit!”

Will Bancroft
Head of Marketing at Newswhip, Openfolio

"Each course results in 100s of additional searches, lots of Pocket saves and a very, very long notes section in Notion. Very appreciative of what you created!"

Daniel Johnson
Growth Consultant at WeScaleStartups

Questions You'll Be Able To Answer

Why doesn’t Facebook match Google Analytics?
There are a number of reasons why you can't trust Facebook's numbers. For example they claim 100% of all sales that occured within 24 hours of seeing an ad (even if the user scrolled past without noticing). Marketing Mix Modeling can give you the real incremental ROI of Facebook, measuring how many sales would have happened anyway had you not spent a penny on ads.
How do I measure the impact of TV?
There's no way to 'click' on a TV ad – so how do you measure performance? Marketing Mix Modeling has been tracking the ROI of TV campaigns since the beginning, and can even account for long-lasting effects on brand awareness. This technique also works on other non-direct channels, like billboards, print, radio and even more modern channels like podcasts and influencer marketing.
How do I measure performance when users don't want to be tracked anymore?
The ongoing privacy backlash against surveillance capitalism has resulted in a rapidly changing and unpredictable landscape. Whatever happens with public legislation (GDPR / CCPA), user behavior (ad blocking) or platform policy (Apple, Brave), we know we're not going back to the good old days of unlimited user tracking. Marketing Mix Modeling's great strength is that it doesn't need user level data to work – so it's the only future-proof way to measure marketing ROI.
If I doubled my marketing budget, what would be my ROI?
You might have noticed when you increase your budget your cost per acquisition (CPA) suffers. This effect is called Diminishing Marginal Returns and it's one of the key things Marketing Mix Modeling can help you forecast.
What was the impact of COVID-19 on my business?
As much as we'd love to be in full control of hitting our sales numbers, the recent pandemic has made it clear that's not the case. What's not clear is exactly how much impact macro trends have on our business – we can't ignore it, but we can't blame it for everything. Marketing Mix Modeling can help us predict what our sales would have been otherwise, so we can set realistic goals going forward.

Based On Experience

Industry experts

 are consulted on every course to make sure its realistic.

Meet Michael Taylor, CEO & Co-Founder @ VEXPOWER

I'm a recovering agency-owner and data-driven marketer, with 10 years experience and $50m optimized across all major channels. I'm passionate about helping marketers learn, with over 200,000 students on my LinkedIn Learning courses.

Meet James Phoenix, CTO & Co-Founder @ VEXPOWER

I'm a former marketer turned full-stack developer, with a focus on scalable data products, automating reporting for 100s of ad accounts. I love teaching marketers technical skills, as a Data Science Instructor at General Assembly for over 600 hours.